Intengine | the engine for good
April 20, 2023
What does Intengine's founder and CEO believe are the top trends, challenges and opportunities in the sustainability movement?
Connie Linder sat down to share her take on these pressing global issues in an exclusive interview.
Intengine's Writer Community
April 5, 2023
As a business owner, procurement manager or sustainability professional, reducing your organization’s carbon footprint is likely top of mind. But what about the emissions of your suppliers and contractors? And what about their suppliers and contractors?
Intengine's Writer Community
November 28, 2022
In order for sustainable supply chain management to succeed, company employees and individuals across the entire business network that make up the supply chain need to act with a sustainability-oriented growth mindset.
Intengine's Writer Community
June 20, 2022
A growing focus on sustainability plays a significant role in extending the definition of procurement and supply chain practices. This unstoppable change led companies to design their procurement policies by integrating environmental and social issues. Undoubtedly, creating a green supply chain will benefit everyone in the long run. However, as it is well known and experienced by many procurement and supply
Intengine's Writer Community
June 6, 2022
Growing environmental awareness has an enormous effect on customers' buying behaviors. Today, companies encounter an increasing number of conscious customers who want to know the social and environmental impacts of the products they purchase. Customers' purchasing decisions heavily depend on where the products come from and what they are made of. Suffice to say, due to this questioning, more and